In a recent interview, the incomparable Brie Larson said she joined the internet only “a few months” ago. Well in the short period that she has, she’s blessed us with so many candid, cute, and quirky moments that’s she’s instagram’d her way into our hearts. Here’s 14 times (that number will probably change as she continues to share her life on social media) she won the inter-webs.
14) That time she reminded us that Leo DiCaprio was a classy gent.
13) That time she poked fun at the catchphrase “I have no words.”
I have no words except the ones to say I have no words. @goldenglobes
A photo posted by Brie (@brielarson) on
12) That time she let us know that she too, hates the papz.
11) That time she met Cate Blanchett and reacted the way any of us would if we were in the presence of the Elf Queen:
A photo posted by Brie (@brielarson) on
10) That time she let us know that it’s OK if you’re attached to a Disney Channel Original Movie and knocked out anyone else’s #FBF forever.
9) When she questions her reality, she questions just like we would.
A photo posted by Brie (@brielarson) on
8) The time even she is shocked at the beauty of her own dress.
7) This entire moment with Katy Perry is pretty fantastic (and that she said “snuggled up with a burger.”)
A photo posted by Brie (@brielarson) on
6) All the times she instagrams Jacob Tremblay as if he were her real life son.
5) This photo of her and gal pal Shaliene Woodley being in on the joke of life and fashion.
A photo posted by Brie (@brielarson) on
4) That time she showed off her super cool bangs.
3) When she’s not shy to let the world know that she can sexy photo bomb like a boss.
A photo posted by Brie (@brielarson) on
2) This adorable moment.
@jacobtremblay and I just tried to recreate the @roomthemovie…maybe very successfully?
A photo posted by Brie (@brielarson) on
1) And when she lets you know you (and by YOU, I mean, ME!) exist and reads your article and retweets it.
The post 14 Times Brie Larson Won Instagram appeared first on World of Wonder.