I got a FitBit for the holidays this year, and it’s really motivated me to be healthier. I’ve been walking to lunch, parking further away, and taking the stairs in the office. Normally I wouldn’t really care at all about food pyramids & wheels from the days of yore, but since it’s a new year and a new me, let’s see what the USDA recommended if this was 1947 and not 2016.
The USDA’s first stab at a food wheel in 1947 included 7 food groups. Fruits & vegetable were split into 3 different groups, and there was a whole group dedicated to butter & margarine?
Only 9 years later, the seven groups had dwindled to the big four: the milk group, the meat group, the vegetable-fruit group, and the bread-cereal group.
In 1980, there were five groups: dairy, bread, fruits, vegetables, and meats. They also added a sixth group with ALL the good stuff (fats, sweets, and alcohol) that you should only have in moderation.
This food pyramid from 1992 is the one I remember being plastered all over the cafeteria in elementary school.
Not much changes between 1992 and 2005 besides the layout of the pyramid. And it looks super 2005-ish.
And now this plate is the most recent food guide we have. It looks like Simon. I guess you have to go to ChooseMyPlate.gov for them to explain it to you?
(via NPR)
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