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Price SLASHED for ‘The Silence of the Lambs’ House in Pennsylvania


The house where fictional serial killer Buffalo Bill lived in the 1991 Oscar winning movie The Silence of the Lambs has been on the market since last summer when it was listed for $300,000. The owners, Scott & Barbara Lloyd, have just reduced the price on the three-story Victorian style home near Perryopolis, PA, which is about an hours drive from Pittsburgh, to $250,000. Even though the house was the second most clicked home on Realtor.com last year, it hasn’t sold possibly because of it’s location. OR the fact that there is only ONE bathroom for all four bedrooms and three stories of the the house! Erik Gunther, a senior editor and expert on unique homes for Realtor.com said:

Even though it’s got notoriety, location still is a big deal. The fact that a home gets a ton of publicity doesn’t necessarily add up to a quick sale. Just because I want to gawk at something doesn’t mean I want to buy it.

The Silence of the Lambs

The foyer (where the Lloyd’s were married in 1977) and the dining room were seen in the film, but there is no creepy dungeon with a well to keep your victims just where you want them in the home.

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Today’s Cuteness Brought to You by The Humane Society from Utah


The Humane Society of Utah had the BEST idea when trying to find forever homes for the many dogs in their shelter! The dogs were put in a photo booth and the results are the cutest thing I’ve seen all week! I think my favorite is the bassett hound.  Guinnevere Shuster is the photographer behind the doggy photo booth which was SUCH a big success that ALL of these dogs were adopted out!
















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#RIPDavidBowie: Landon Cider is Giving James St. James an Impromptu Instagram Transformation! NOW WITH FINAL LOOK!


Happening right now in the World of Wonder studio, Landon Cider is giving James St. James an impromptu Aladdin Sane/David Bowie inspired Transformation. Check out the Instagrams below and stay tuned for pictures of the final look!

Impromptu #DavidBowie #AlladinSane #Transformation with @landoncider & @jamesstjames1 ❤️⚡️

A video posted by World of Wonder (@wowreport) on

@jamesstjames1 ‘s #AlladinSane #Transformation by @landoncider is almost done! #RIPDavidBowie

A video posted by World of Wonder (@wowreport) on

The final look! @landoncider @jamesstjames1 #Transformations #AlladinSane #RIPDavidBowie

A video posted by World of Wonder (@wowreport) on

James St. James

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#FutureHusband: One of the Carver Twins Has Come Out Of the Closet!!!!


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Teen Wolf/Desperate Housewives/The Leftovers cutie patootie Charlie Carver, one half of the WORLD FAMOUS Carver Twins, recently came out of the closet in a series of moving Instagram tweets:

“As a young boy, I knew I wanted to be an actor,” Carver wrote. “I also knew, however abstractly, that I was different from some of the other boys in my grade. Over time, this abstract ‘knowing’ grew and articulated itself through a painful gestation marked by feelings of despair and alienation, ending in a climax of saying three words out loud: ‘I am gay.’”

While Carver came out to family and friends some time ago, he said that because of his Hollywood career, “my relationship to my sexuality soon became more complicated.” He added, “I wanted to believe in a world where one’s sexuality was for the most part irrelevant. … Furthermore, as an actor, I believed that my responsibility to the craft and the business was to remain benevolently neutral — I was a canvas, a chameleon, the next character.”

And yet, Carver said, “I now believe that by omitting this part of myself from the record, I am complicit in perpetuating the suffering, fear, and shame cast upon so many in the world. … So now, let the record show this — I self-identify as gay. And does that really matter anymore? As a young man, I needed a young man in Hollywood to say that — and without being a d‑‑‑ about it, I owe it to myself, more than anything, to be who I needed when I was younger.” (via EW)

I’m so excited to know I finally have a chance with him!

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#MCM Hot Russian Fitness Model Ivan Gudkov

Stupid Criminal Sends Police Selfie Because His Mugshot Was Terrible


Donald “Chip” Pugh is wanted in Lima, OH for vandalism, arson, and failure to appear, so the Lima Police Department shared his mugshot on their social media in case anyone knew his whereabouts. You aren’t going to believe how dumb this guy is.

The 45 year-old Pugh then sent them a selfie and said:

Here is a better photo that one is terrible.

Pugh then called a local radio station to complain about the mugshot and said he looked like Thundercat. What a dumbass! I’m not sure how he sent the message. It looks like he texted someone with it, but now you’re just pissing the police off! If you can send a selfie, you can turn yourself in. Has he seen Making a Murderer? Fortunately it looks like the Lima Police Department finally got their guy.

Thanks to the power of social media & tips called into authorities, we have learned that Donald Chip Pugh has been…

Posted by Lima Police Department on Tuesday, January 12, 2016

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5 Life Hacks That Will Trick Your Friends Into Thinking You’ve Got Your Shit Together


Party Girl - World of Wonder

Photo by Jake Thompson

It’s 2016 and you’ve managed to keep one out of your sixteen (thousand) new year’s resolutions.

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Good work. You’re already doing WAY more than like, most of the population. So thumbs up.

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A new year brings all sorts of NEW ways of seeing yourself, reinventing yourself, and above all, what kind of person you want to BECOME in 2016. Here are my top 5 life hacks for tricking your friends into thinking you have your shit together.


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If you’re like me, after work, my mental capacity for scripted television is pretty bleak. (I like to Netflix-binge on weekends when my brain can handle a plot line). So I turn to Kitchen Kween and life coach Ina Garten.

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One way to trick your friends into thinking you’ve got your shit together is (dinner parties) putting liquids in tiny jars. Think about flour, EVOO, balsamic vinegar, pasta, your jar-stuffing ability is limitless!

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You don’t even have to read them, but stash your Seventeen mags under your bed and stack some smart shit (like Good Magazine, Dwell, Foreign Policy, Bust, etc) on your coffee table. Just be prepared to wikipedia whatever your friend says when they bring up anything, like, political at the dinner table, so you don’t blow your cover.

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They are free and they will make your friends think you’ve ditched Top 40 for a heavier fare. With ones like Switched on Pop, Things You Missed In History Class, and Planet Money, you’ll have plenty to listen to while making that new recipe you found off WholeFoods.com.


I know, I know…working out is (awful):

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But whoever said growing up is easy is one big fat liar. If growing up were easy, working out would be too. Unfortunately, the genetic betrayal that is our destiny will soon find it’s way into your astral body and even just the act of PURCHASING a gym membership will make your friends think you have your life in order. Most gyms are doing package deals for the new year, so grab the Rhoda to your Mary and sign up. Even if you go once a week, you’re like ninety-five percent above being the average garbage couch potato person.

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The number one way (and cheapest) in tricking your friends into thinking your shit is on point is drinking mineral water. Have you ever seen your mom and her friends drinking Saratoga or Pelligrino?

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Yes, that’s because they have their shit together! Carrying one of these around with you while strutting your stuff on your daily walk to the office will immediately command power and that you’re like, really on top of this thing called, “Life.”

Party Girl - World of Wonder

Try one out and see how much you’ll even convince yourself your life is in order.

This post approved by the OG Party Girl:

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RIPDavidBowie: David Bowie’s Ex Angie Bowie Breaks Down in Tears in Celebrity Big Brother House


Angie Bowie, David Bowie’s wife from 1970 to 1980, is in the Celebrity Big Brother house across the pond, so she had no idea David Bowie had passed away until Big Brother broke the news to her.

Angie broke down in tears after learning of David Bowie’s passing saying, “I haven’t seen him in so many years I can’t make a big drama about it… but I feel an era has ended, it’s so very sad.” Later while being consoled by housemates David Gest (Liza’s ex) and John Partridge (British soap star), Angie said, “The stardust is gone.”

(via Daily Mail)

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Transformation Tuesday: Nina Bonina Brown Gives Me a “Lady Mouse” Makeover

Fenton Bailey’s Favorite Bowie Lyrics



I loved the looks, the songs, and the sounds, but I think above all I loved the poetry… Here’s my top 30 lyrics…

1 “Golden Years”

Last night they loved you opening doors and pulling some strings, Angel

2 “Under Pressure”

Keep coming up with love, but it’s so slashed and torn

3 “Life On Mars?”

It’s a godawful small affair

4 “Man Who Sold the World”

Who knows, not me, I never lost control, you’re face, to face, with the man who sold the world

5 “Ashes To Ashes”

My mother said, to get things done, you better not mess with Major Tom

6 “Lady Stardust”

I smiled sadly for a love I could not obey, Lady Stardust sang his songs of darkness and dismay

7 “After All”

Please treat them gently they don’t like to fall

8 “Drive In Saturday”

Pour me out another phone

9 “Starman”

Waiting in the sky he’d like to come and meet us but he thinks he’d blow our minds

10 “Boys Keep Swinging”

They’ll never clone ya, you’re always first on the line, when you’re a boy

11 “Rebel Rebel”

Hot tramp I love you so

12 “Always Crashing In The Same Car”

Oh, but I’m

13 “Diamond Dogs”

Just another future song for lonely little kids

14 “We Are The Dead”

Like a portrait in flesh that trails on a leash

15 “Lady Grinning Soul”

She’ll come, she’ll go, she’ll lay belief on you

16 “Jean Genie”

Keeps all your dead hair for making up underwear

17 “TVC15”

Transmission, Transition

18 “Fashion”

beep beep

19 “Scary Monsters”

She began to wail jealousies scream, Waiting at the light, know what I mean

20 “Beauty and The Beast”

Someone fetch a priest

21 “Heroes”

I, I wish I could swim like dolphins, like dolphins can swim

22 “Sound And Vision”

Blue, blue, electric blue that’s the color of my room where I will live

23 “Five Years”

News guy wept and told us, Earth was really dying

24 “All The Young Dudes”

Television man is crazy, says we’re all delinquent wrecks. Oh, man, I need TV when I got T. Rex

25 “Time”

Time, he flexes like a whore, Falls wanking to the floor

26 “Rock and Roll Suicide”

The water wall is calling, it lingers, and you forget

27 “The Laughing Gnome”

Now they’re staying up the chimney, and we’re living in caviar and honey – hooray! – and they’re making me lots of money writing comedy prose for radio shows

28 “Andy Warhol”

Looks a scream, hang him on my wall

29 “Prettiest Star”

All because of what you are

30 “Fame”

Puts you there where things are hollow

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#TransformationTuesday: QWERRRKOUT feat. Tiffany Bradshaw


tiffany bradshaw

Transformation Tuesdays just got a whole lot QTer…New queers featured every week! Tag us, take a pic of us and follow us on Instagram at QWERRRKOUT, and you too could be the next QT! YOU BETTA QWERRRK!

Tiffany Bradshaw


Age: 28

Location: São Paulo, Brazil

About: “I have been doing drag for about four and a half years… I perform and I’m also a DJ. I love this art and my soul hits the heavens when I’m on stage!”







green pig bannergreen pig portrait

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If the State of the Union Was a Wes Anderson Film


President Barack Obama will deliver his final State of the Union address tonight, January 12th, 2016 at 9 PM EST. To celebrate, CNN senior reporter Chris Moody and producer Alex Rosen have made a video that reimagines the event as a quirky Wes Anderson film. Watch below. (via The Laughing Squid)

From CNN:

While each president adds his own unique contributions and personal touches to the annual rite, the event embraces familiar styles, tones and traditions that give it a signature look: The pomp of the procession to the U.S. Capitol building, the Sergeant at Arms’ shout across the House chamber announcing the President’s arrival, the flood of partisan applause and the opposition party’s response.

These consistent attributes of the speech — including the familiar faces who take part each year, the decor of the historic Capitol building and the ongoing clash of old traditions with new technologies — make it a prime setting to borrow a few tricks from filmmaker Wes Anderson, to whom the video above pays grateful homage.

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10 Things You Can Do with Your Wowl


Wowl – What is a Wowl? Why it is a World of Wonder Owl, a vintage kitschy accessory from the 1960s made originally to cover giant hairspray bottles for giant bouffantastic hairdos – fun! LOL. Here are 10 things you can do with your WOWL, although the possibilities are endless. Just look at this thing!!!

1. Rooftop bird deterrent. Bye, Felicia!

2. Fashionable table centerpiece. Hello, Martha.

3. Cocktail shaker.

4. Cash stasher.

5. Hair spray cover (its original purpose, hair was big in the 60s).

6. Paperweight.

7. Bookend.

8. Hide-a-key.

9. DIY art project (paint + time = fun).

10. Wig holder.

Get yours today! Available online here along with some other hot WOW T-shirts, plates, books, bags, and prints!



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Waffle House: Now Serving Waffles & Weave, Bacon & Braids, and Eggs & Extensions!


Two employees from a Forrest City, AR Waffle House were fired after customers filmed them fixing their hair in the kitchen. If you’ve ever had a delicious meal from Waffle House, you know that the kitchen is visible from anywhere in the restaurant. One of the employees was filmed putting her long braids in a pot full of water. When she takes her hair out of the pot, her co-worker wrapped it in a towel.

The video was shot by customer Antonio Robinson who said:

I just got out my phone and I just started to record. I just thought it was nasty and I needed to let somebody see this.

Antonio said the friend he was eating with found a hair in his food. He said:

He was just coughing. Cough. Cough. Making noises like that. I looked up at him. He went to pulling out strings of hair out his mouth.

The manager at the Waffle House said the two employees were terminated, and the Arkansas Health Department found no violations at the Forrest City location.

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Designer Bobby Abley’s Christina Aguilera-Inspired Fashion Looks Hit The London Runway


The amazing fashion designer Bobby Abley (who typically has a penchant for Disney-inspired looks) debuted his London menswear collection earlier this week. And because it’s about time for her arrival, two of the looks on display were pretty sickening nods to pop goddess Christina Aguilera.

The first was a menswear sweatsuit sporting the words “I <3 XTINA,” while the other was a skirt and super cute cropped sweatshirt with a reference to the iconic jam “Dirrty.” Both looks earned Christina’s seal of approval when she reposted this photo with the caption: “Oh heyyy @bobbyabley !! Love it! 💋Xo.”

I need both looks ASAP tbh.


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9 Times You Wanted to Fifth-Wheel The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants Cast


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Last week, Gossip Girl alum Blake Lively sent some insta-love to her Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants gal pal America Ferrera on the premiere of her new NBC hit show Superstore.

Superstore - World of Wonder

Talk about sisterhood of the traveling support!

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This isn’t the first time the OG denim squad shared their love for one another online. Check out the 9 times we wanted to be the fifth wheel on a date with these jean-swapping mavens.

1) That time they reunited for Entertainment Weekly last June (Happy 10 year!):

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2) And shared this adorable selfie (take notes TSwift):

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3) That time America and Amber had a sleepover over New Year’s Eve:

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Like…can I get join this pillow fight, please?!

4) That time Amber hung out with Blake the day before the above sleepover and their skin radiated all sorts of selfie sunshine:

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5) And then they hung out again where they invented the super kawaii hashtag #SisterwivesOfTheTravelingPants:

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6) And then Amber and Alexis partied with some facial hair:

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*Side note: shout-out to this Gilmore Girls tweet between Lauren Graham and Alexis:

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7) Followed by America and Amber going to see a play:

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8) Speaking of plays, (then a very pregnant) Blake, Amber, and Alexis supported America in her Broadway debut Lips Together Teeth Apart and we all wish we had the seat next to them:

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9) And then they hung out with the queen of comedy Amy Schumer and we would trade out left arm to listen in on this laughter:

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From the amount of time they spend together, fingers crossed a third SOTP is in the works.

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This post is approved by 21 year old me:

Ugly Betty - World of WonderUgly Betty - World of Wonder

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Watch New Videos From the WOWPresents Network! New Videos From Morgan McMichaels! Billy Francesca! Noah Levy! Hey Qween! WigginOut!


Check out the latest videos from our WOWPresents Network! Morgan McMichaels, Billy Francesca, Noah Levy, Hey Qween, WigginOut, and SO MANY MORE all have new videos from the WOWPresents Network!!! Watch all these and more right now on the WOW Report!

Here are the latest videos from our fabulous partners! Make sure you subscribe to their channels for new videos!

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Anna Faris Rhapsodizes Over Chris Pratt’s Amaaaaaaaazing Testicles


138455, Chris Pratt, Anna Faris attends the premiere of 'Jurassic World' in Los Angeles on Tuesday, June 9th, 2015.Photograph: © Pacific Coast News. Los Angeles Office: +1 310.822.0419 London Office: +44 208.090.4079 sales@pacificcoastnews.com FEE MUST BE AGREED PRIOR TO USAGE

During an episode of her podcast “Anna Faris Is Unqualified,” the bubbly House Bunny star asked her guest, Aubrey Plaza: “Have you seen my husband’s balls?”

Aubrey said no, she could not recall ever seeing them.

“You would remember, because they are some sexy balls,” Anna then said. “They’re perfect. They’re incredible.”

Good to know, Anna. Thanks for the image that is now indelibly seared in my mind. And… good for you, Chris!

Listen to the podcast here. (via JustJared; pic: Pacific Coast News)


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Mother Knits a New Version of Her Son So She Can Cuddle with It



Self-described “smother mother” Marieke Voorsluijs knit a life-size version of her son because he didn’t want to cuddle with her anymore.

My son is reaching puberty. We used to cuddle all the time, but those days are becoming scarce. Now he rather hangs with friends, plays with his phone and listens to his ipod. Exactly according to nature’s plan. I am a good mother, so of course i accept this and i am happy he is a healthy kid.

We laugh a lot about the stretching gap between his needs and mine. Him needing more of his own space and my covert needs to keep on smotering him with maternal love. I am a textiles designer and he often helps me and has great creative ideas. So we started to fantasize how we could visualize this puberty gap. So i suggested to make a cuddly version of him!

Check out the pics of her new son in various posesbelow. (And no, her son is not inside the knit costume, it’s a stand-alone stuffed boy. See the last photo of the knit son with her REAL son.)


(via Dangerous Minds)

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These GIFs of Nico Tortorella Require Some Serious Attention


Here at the WOW Report, we’re big fans of Nico Tortorella. (Receipts: See this post by James St. James from 2013 that detailed his creepy-amazing-hot bisexual threesome on The Following.) So you could imagine our astonishment when we came across these expertly crafted GIFs of the hunky actor courtesy of Logo. Feast your eyes.


I also suggest you learn some Instagram tips from Nico himself with this video:

Get More:
Logo TV

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