The first cover of Charlie Hebdo, after the terrorist shooting last week in Paris, is out. It defiantly features the Prophet Muhammed holding a sign that says “Je Suis Charlie“, and above Muhammed’s head are the words;
“All is forgiven.”
Released tomorrow, the issue will have a special printing of 1 million, with the ability to print up to 3 million copies. Michel Salion, a spokesman for Charlie Hebdo’s distributor told Reuters;
“We have requests for 300,000 copies throughout the world — and demand keeps rising by the hour. The million will go. As of Thursday, the decision will probably be taken to print extra copies … So we’ll have one million, plus two if necessary.”
It will be offered in 16 languages and proceeds from the issue will go into the magazine’s coffers. It has been near bankruptcy in recent years and other fundraising efforts are underway including a French crowdfunding website Leetchi, raising more than $169,000, so far. To contribute, you can go here. (via Business Insider)
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