On a recent Reddit AMA, Nick Jonas was asked about those infamous purity rings that he and his brothers wore during their Disney days. His answer is surprisingly candid and insightful.
“[I’m] not a huge fan, but I still respect your career,” the Redditor began, insisting he wasn’t “being snarky” – but wanted to know if he was serious about “abstaining from gettin’ down” or if it was “part of your marketing to families and young kids.”
The user continued: “Did you just bail on it once a bunch fine women started throwing themselves at you? Or you still trying to be pure and whatnot? I’m just trying to understand because you should be able pull like Leo no problem.”
Answered Nick:
“Thanks for the question. And I don’t think you’re being snarky, I think it’s a very good question. I’d like to start by saying this: I came from an incredibly religious home, growing up my dad was a pastor, and much like The First Family or people in front of the public eye, we were highly scrutinized as a family within the church and looked at as, well I guess you would call an example of what that family image should be. So long before our career started in music, that was what we were dealing with.”
For Jonas, abstaining from sex came with the territory. “There was a person in the church who at one point demanded that all the kids in the youth group put these purity rings on and make this commitment, so without a full understanding of what we were stepping into, we all made this commitment,” he shared.
Eventually, “I started making my own choices, fell in love with somebody, made the choice to have sex with them, and from that point on it was about me being a man and being okay with my choices. And then it related to my art and people’s view of me and the public eye.”
Ultimately, Jonas focuses on the good that came out of the decision. “But I think when I’m looking back on it, although it was challenging to live with that, to be seen and have that attached to our name was very tough,” he explained. “I think it was a good thing. It gave me a really good perspective to where as now my main thing is about being okay with who I am as a man and the choices I’ve made, and I think everyone should have a good and solid conversation with either their parents or loved ones about sex and about what they want to do with their life, because it shouldn’t be taboo.”
Such grace! Such self-awareness! Isn’t he just PERFECT?
Another Reddit user asked him about that 2009 South Park episode that made fun of the JoBros sexual abstinence – and, again, he handled himself with poise and dignity.
“When it first came out I didn’t think it was funny to be honest, but probably because I was actually living all of that in real time and so it just made it harder to come and live your life as a young person and have all that going on,” wrote Jonas. “But years later and once the purity rings were no longer around, it was very funny to me and I’ve actually watched the episode a few times.”
Whattaguy. Now let’s look at those arms and have ourselves a sigh.
The post Nick Jonas on Wearing a Purity Ring: “We Did It Without a Full Understanding of What We Were Stepping Into” appeared first on The WOW Report.