A gay couple arrives at the church ready for their wedding ceremony, only to be met by a bible-clutching woman who takes one look at them and gasps “How offensive!”
“I won’t let you blemish the sanctity of marriage!” she says. How very Kim Davis of her!
Of course, then it’s revealed that she’s merely upset by a stain on the groom’s shirt, which she proceeds to fix with Tide To Go. HA!
From Towleroad:
The spot is directed by Mark Nickelsburg (who shared it to Facebook) and features actors Matt Marr, Karl Ramsey, and Lynne Marie Stewart. No word on when it will air.
Said Nickelsburg: “First a clerk in Kentucky, and now a church lady in Los Angeles! This same sex couple faces yet another obstacle on the way to marriage equality in this spot I directed for Tide to Go.”
This is the second commercial from Tide recently featuring gay themes. Check out the first, which features a gay couple bickering about household laundry etiquette here.
Watch the commercial below.
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