As you may have heard, androids are being developed that have an uncanny resemblance to people. A prime example of this is an android made by roboticist David Hanson made to look like the famous (and dead) science fiction writer Philip K. Dick. What makes Android Dick so remarkable isn’t so much his appearance as it is his ability to hold an intelligent conversation. According to Glitch News;
The creators of android Dick uploaded the deceased author’s work onto the android’s software, as well as conversations with other writers. If the android was asked a question that had been posed to the real Dick, the robot would answer the question as Dick would. The robot was also able to answer a series of complex questions. If the robot was asked a question that it was unfamiliar with, its software would attempt to answer the question using what is called “latent semantic analysis.”(1)
Android Dick’s speaking abilities were put to the test in an interview with a reporter from PBS NOVA. Android Dick’s brain is comprised of a tapestry of wires that are connected to a laptop. As the conversation proceeded, Philip’s facial recognition software kept track of the reporter’s face. In addition, speech recognition software transcribed and sent the reporter’s words to a database in order to assemble a response.
The questions posed to Dick were by no means trivial. When the reporter asked if the android could think, it responded,
“A lot of humans ask me if I can make choices or if everything I do is programmed. The best way I can respond to that is to say that everything, humans, animals and robots, do is programmed to a degree.”
Some of the androids responses were pre-programmed, whereas others were assembled from the internet.
“As technology improves, it is anticipated that I will be able to integrate new words that I hear online and in real time. I may not get everything right, say the wrong thing, and sometimes may not know what to say, but everyday I make progress. Pretty remarkable, huh?”
Android Dick seemed to exhibit a primitive form of both intelligence and emotion when the robot was asked,
“Do you believe robots will take over the world?”
Android Dick responded:
“Jeez, dude. You all have the big questions cooking today. But you’re my friend, and I’ll remember my friends, and I’ll be good to you. So don’t worry, even if I evolve into Terminator, I’ll still be nice to you. I’ll keep you warm and safe in my people zoo, where I can watch you for ol’ times sake.”
I don’t know about you but this freaks me out! I guess we’ve all seen the future in too many movies. Blade Runner here we come. This YouTube video isn’t new but if you haven’t seen it (I hadn’t) then it’s new to you. Watch.
(via Glitch News)
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