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#Ouch #WTF #NOOOOO: BASE Jumper Hooks His Parachute Directly Into His Flesh



This you have to see. This you aren’t going to believe. This, nobody could EVER believe. BASE Jumper Josh Miramant completed a 380-foot jump from a cliff in Ton Sai, Thailand using …. wait for it… a parachute that was attached directly to his body via grappling hooks. Let me repeat that: HE ATTACHED HIS PARACHUTE TO HIS BACK USING… GIANT FISH HOOKS! You’d think they’d just rip right out and he’d go plummeting to your death. But no! Watch it below, at your own risk. 

From HuffPo:

“I’d never had any other piercings before and it was by far the most painful part of the whole experience,” he told Barcroft.

Jumping with the chute attached directly into the back is called a “suspension jump.” Miramant is believed to be only the 11th person to make this painful leap of faith, according to the Telegraph.

To do the suspension jump, Miramant had to have four bolts bored into his upper back, which were then fastened shut. The hooks for the parachute are attached to these bolts, according to OutsideOnline.com.

After the jump, the hooks are removed, leaving Miramant with bleeding incisions on his body.

“I am not a masochist. I just came to enjoy the whole experience despite the pain, but I was certainly happy when the piercing was complete.”

Miramant tells OutsideOnline.com that he is now planning to make a similar type of jump from a hot air balloon sometime in the next six months.



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