Big Brother UK houseguest Aaron Frew, the 24-year-old openly gay model, was ousted from the house for “inappropriate behavior,” after he repeatedly flashed (and making unwanted sexual advances) towards straight housemate Joel. A drunken game of “truth-or-dare” went wrong when Aaron lowered his towel in Joel’s direction;
“Stop it, please… No. I don’t want to see your bottom.”
But Aaron persisted, taking his towel off and flashing Joel who quickly ran away. Joel stuttered as Aaron–still completely nude–attempted to mount him.
“This is insane! You need to control your behavior….”
Producers intervened, telling Aaron to go to the Diary Room, where said:
“I really apologize for what I did. It was banter… I’ll apologize to Joel… I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to offend him or you guys.”
Joel arrived to the Diary Room to share his take on the turn of events;
“I want to emphasize I did nothing at all to entice or welcome that approach. I feel terribly awkward, if that makes, sense, that I let that get that far. I don’t want to be known as the person who welcomed on that sort of activity…. I felt my personal space was violated and.. I didn’t know how to react to it because it’s never happened to me before.”
The following morning, Aaron was quietly removed from the house and made a statement:
“I’m so sorry, that’s all I can say… I’m so sorry Mum, and my friends. I can’t describe how I feel… I can’t believe my journey’s ended like this. It’s really meant so much to me. I’m really so upset.”
Hmmm, but I’m wondering though if this would have been such a big deal had they both been gay or straight? If Michelle had been with the house, I’ll bet she could have diffused the situation. Oh, well… I’m sure the producers were actually thrilled. It made for good TV, anyway… however unfair it looks to me.
(via New Now Next)
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