Leeches are obviously the new hairless cats or Labradoodles. Everybody wants them. Last night on Good Work we saw them used to give blood facials. Today, we learn of a man in Japan who has a PET leech, and that he lets it feed on his arm every night!
Via Oddity Central:
The leech in the footage is so bloated, it’s as big as the man’s forearm. And judging by the bite marks on his arm, the devoted owner has been feeding the creature his blood for quite some time now.
According to a Daily Mail report, leeches grow bigger as they consume more and more blood. Some species might reach up to 16 inches in length. Leeches, being parasites, aren’t exactly ideal pets. They have been used in medicine for several centuries now, but this is probably the first time in history that a human and a leech have bonded over a spot of blood!
Watch him have his din-din, below.
A sampling of YouTube comments:
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