The hilarious Deven Green is scheduled to be at RuPaul’s DragCon on May 16 & 17 at the Los Angeles Convention Center, and you can meet her! Watch three of her MUST SEE videos before meeting her and get your tickets to RuPaul’s DragCon after the jump!
A CLASSIC parody of Brenda Dickson’s Welcome to My Home that, rumor has it, the real Brenda Dickson HATES. I just watched it again and could barely breath. It gets better every time.
Betty Bowers is America’s Best Christian, and she has an entire Youtube channel chock full of videos. In this one, her most popular, she explains traditional marriage to “everyone else”.
3) Deven Green on Ring My Bell
I swear I’m not just posting this because it’s WOWPresents. The one-liners were flying out of her face orifice and when she left the studio my face literally hurt from laughing.
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