Shia LaBeouf has been working as an actor since he was 12. After he left the Transformers series –and the truck-loads of money that would have kept delivering – he instead opted for more character-driven films, like Lawless and Lars von Trier’s Nymphomaniac. He talks about transforming his life;
“I don’t, that’s the thing. I’m trying to find a way to have some control over my actions, my behavior, my ideas, my thoughts, my path in life. But it’s very new for me. There hasn’t been much off time. And when your emotional state is based on whatever you’ve committed to for the next six, seven months of your life, you have to be careful about what you say yes to. There’s a fucking price to some movies. Some movies you don’t get back what you give.”
For the full interview by Elvis Mitchell, and more sexy pics by Craig McDean, go here.
Photos, Craig McDean; via Interview)
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