One of the most beautiful sought after women of her generation, Love Story actress, Ali MacGraw married her college sweetheart, Robin Hoen; when that failed she later married legendary producer Robert Evans. After their split, she was with screen icon Steve McQueen for 5 years. They also divorced. During a conversation with Oprah for Super Soul Sunday, MacGraw shared why all her marriages ended –for the same reason;
“It was, ‘Why can’t you read my mind about what I’d like and what I wouldn’t like?’ ‘How about saying, ‘This doesn’t feel right,’ or ‘That does,’ or ‘I really would like to ask you if you could do this for me.’” The arrogance of it just blows my mind. MY arrogance.
“Expecting them to know what you wanted,” Oprah echoed. “I think a lot of relationships go wrong because of that.”
Personally, that was never my problem but I think it must happen a LOT. (via Huffington Post)
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