One of the first great pop culture mashups, Apocalypse Pooh is the gritty story of Apocalypse Now told through the cartoons of Winnie the Pooh. According to Slate, it was created in 1987 by Canadian filmmaker Todd Graham, and made the rounds on VHS tapes for years before it was uploaded to the Internet. (1987. Hmmm. That’s five years after The Tao of Pooh explained the principals of Taoism through the stories of Winnie the Pooh – I wonder if this was intended as a satire of that? – and eight years before the first viral mashup of modern times “The Dark Side of the Rainbow” – I wonder if this influenced that?).
Watch it below, it’s pretty hysterical, especially when Piglet enters the action around the 6:30 mark. (You can skip the first minute and a half, it’s just the opening musical overture).
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